Category Archives: ball of foot pain

Ankle Arthritis – Footscientific

Ankle arthritis is commonly the result of either a direct injury into the joint such as an ankle fracture or the result of a long standing and symptomatic ankle instability.

It is not widely known that arthritis can affect the ankle. Although, the ankle is much less likely to be involved with arthritis than the hip or knee, it is still very common to be affected. This holds true for ankle problems associated with osteoarthritis.

Most ankle arthritis occurs following trauma to the ankle, so patients who have suffered severe ankle sprains or fractures in the ankle or the talus can develop post-traumatic arthritis. Other causes are due to normal degenerative changes much like people experience in the hip or knee joint.

The ankle joint is affected by arthritis much less often than other joints. When patients have ankle arthritis, they have worn out the joint between the shin bone and ankle bone. When the ankle is injured, it is also susceptible to an injury called osteonecrosis. When osteonecrosis occurs as the result of an ankle injury, a portion of the bone has damage to its blood flow.

If you are experiencing pain in your ankle but have not had any recent trauma or injury to your ankle, you may likely have arthritis of the ankle. Speak to your doctor about this at your next appointment and allow him to perform an examination and diagnostic testing.

About FootScientific


FootScientific was created by two practicing physicians and a physical therapist to give their patients the most well informed and comprehensive foot and ankle information available on the web. As opposed to isolating their practices and expertise, Dr. J. Robert Faux: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Greg S. Anderson: Podiatrist, and Greg R. Thorpe: Physical Therapist fully integrate their expertise under one website – FOOT SCIENTIFIC. These three field leaders combine over 50 years of experience to help avoid the guess work on best methods, products, and services available for the foot and ankle.

Contact FootScientific:

Address: 165 West Canyon Crest Road, Alpine, UT 84004
Phone: (801) 642-2084

Subtalar Arthritis – Foot Scientific

Subtalar Arthritis is generally categorized as pain in the hindfoot. The subtalar joint is the joint that lets you rotate your foot back and forth and bend it back and forth. Patients who suffer from Subtalar Arthritis will feel pain when walking or moving the ankle. 

What causes Subtalar Arthritis?

Subtalar Arthritis is usually caused by a fracture in the foot, usually the heel bone. It can also be caused by excessive wear and tear on the joints resulting from too much activity.

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165 West Canyon Crest Road
Alpine, UT
Phone: (801) 642 – 2084
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Ankle Arthritis – Foot Scientific

Ankle Arthritis is a term used to describe joint and tissue inflammation or degradation of cartilage in the ankle. Ankle Arthritis is often accompanied by pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of motion in the ankle joint.

What causes Ankle Arthritis?

There are several factors that can contribute to ankle arthritis. Factors may include:

  • Worn down or worn out cartilage. Without cartilage to help cushion the joints the bones can begin to rub together, bone on bone, wearing them down and causing pain. 
  • Past injury or trauma to the ankle joint or cartilage like a fracture. 
  • Lack of joint use. Lack of movement can cause stiffness and sometimes leads to further inflammation of the ligaments, muscles, and joints.
  • Obesity is also a contributing factor as extra weight puts extra pressure on joints and causes stress.
  • Genetics can play a part in ankle arthritis as well as some people are predisposed to early joint wear.

Read More:  Ankle Arthritis – Foot Scientific

165 West Canyon Crest Road
Alpine, UT
Phone: (801) 642 – 2084
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